SQL Strikes Back
Competing goods and far too many observations.
For those that want to jump straight to the resources here are the files discussed below:
script to migrate data: parquet_to_psql.py
json template: psql_details.json
Previously I generated an absolute boat load of simulated data for modeling. Even after taking steps to remove unneeded values and storing as a file type with compression (parquet) the full set is still a whopping 285G.
We have several competing goods here that we’d like to balance. Ideally the data would be
small (easy to store/backup)
portable (easy to get on/off a HPC)
available (possible to get any record in the set)
fast to query (to not be a bottleneck in model training)
As detailed in “Worse is better case study 2” our current solution sacrifices availability of all the data and (initially) query speed to get a set that fits in memory and can be moved to an HPC. Ultimately, we want to add new simulated results to this set while training which isn’t possible.
The solution of course is to bite the bullet and set up a database then write a new dataloader
to get minibatches from the database. This means we’ll be moving batches on/off the gpu but we can access any records and need not read in files over and over.
The Plan:
The target workflow for this is to
- Initialize a database
- Read in metadata parquet files as separate tables (genotypes, ids)
- Read in each results parquet file, add the file name as a field, and append its values to a table (results)
Easy. How long could it take?
Learning PostgreSQL On The Way Down:
I considered using duckdb
for it’s speed and simplicity but ultimately elected to use PostgreSQL
since it’s been around longer (1996) and boasts limits way beyond what I need. Please don’t take the below as best practice or even recommendations per se as this is the first non-SQLite database I’ve administered. This is just notes on the stumbling blocks I encountered. The best thing one can do is read the official PostgreSQL tutorial. Several times I searched for the solution to a problem just to find it covered a few pages later.
Installation (in this case on ubuntu via apt
) was easy but database creation takes some doing. PostgreSQL
defines accounts that are separate from the host system. This includes a special account postgres
with root permisions that is initially available. Using sudo -u postgres <cmd>
one can run commands as if this account existed on the host machine.
We use this account to create the database and then login as root.
sudo -u postgres createdb apsimxsim
sudo -u postgres psql
Next we create a non-root account and provide permissions1 for the apsimxsim
database and public schema.
=# CREATE ROLE loremipsum LOGIN PASSWORD 'TotallyRealPassword';
=# ALTER ROLE loremipsum CREATEDB;
postgresALTER ROLE
=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE apsimxsim TO loremipsum;
=# GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO loremipsum;
We can check permissions using \du
(note that psql
specific commands begin with \
e.g., \q
=# \du
postgresList of roles
Role name | Attributes
Create DB
loremipsum | Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS postgres | Superuser,
We’re not done with setup yet. We also need to change the search path for the loremipsum user so we can find our tables.
$psql apsimxsim=> SET search_path TO public; apsimxsim
Now we should be set. We can add / drop tables from psql
but we’re going to use python’s SQLAlchemy
library to do most of the heavy lifting including creating these tables.
Fast forwarding a little, here’s what we’re aiming at. Ultimately the loremipsum user will own three tables with the metadata (ids
, genotypes
) and simulated results (results
). A final quirk I’ll mention here is that it’s possible to use capitalized names but it a bit of a hasle. We’d have to select them as public."Ids"
instead of public.ids
. For this reason we’ll standardized all table and field names using only lowercase letters and underscores.
=> SELECT schemaname, tablename, tableowner FROM pg_tables WHERE tableowner='loremipsum';
schemaname | tablename | tableowner------------+-----------+------------
public | ids | loremipsum
public | genotypes | loremipsum
public | results | loremipsum
3 rows) (
Starting With The End In Mind
Before developing anything too complicated we should check if we can get easily get data from SQL to python. We can’t retrieve data without inserting it so in reality I’m showing things a little out of order. Bear with me and it’ll all fit together.
Thankfully getting data from SQL to python isn’t a new problem so there should be many workable solutions (e.g. discussion, asyncpg
, warp_prism
We’re going to start simple and use sqlalchemy
with psycopg2
to connect to the database.
Ultimately we’ll have something like this:
import psycopg2
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text
= create_engine(
engine "db_string_here"
with engine.connect() as conn:
= conn.execute(
result 'SELECT * FROM public.ids LIMIT 1')
text( )
Once we have result
we can transform it into a tensor and be set. There are likely more performant ways to get data out, but as long as we can get data out we can go to the next steps.
Don’t Leak Passwords
That placeholder string up above, "db_string_here"
will contain the username, password, host, and port, and database name. Even if our machine isn’t publicly accessible and this data isn’t sensitive, we still don’t want to make this information public. There are different ways to do this such as using storing this information as enviromental variables or keeping it in a separate file (excluded from version control in your .gitignore
). The latter is what I have demonstrated here but if you’re working with more sensitive data please consult a security expert regarding your use case.
Here, we’ll create a file psql_details.json that will hold the information needed for "db_string_here"
"user": "loremipsum",
"pass": "TotallyRealPassword",
"host": "localhost",
"port": "5432",
"name": "apsimxsim"
Now we can read this as a dictionary and insert these values into the connection string.
with open('./psql_details.json', 'r') as f:
= json.load(f)
= create_engine(
engine f"postgresql+psycopg2://{d['user']}:{d['pass']}@{d['host']}:{d['port']}/{d['name']}"
Preparation for Data Migration
The workflow to insert data into the database is to read in the parquet file as a pandas dataframe, make any needed changes, then write that table to the database.
The pattern will look something like this.
= pq.read_table(parquet_path+'example.parquet').to_pandas()
example = example.rename(columns={e:e.lower().replace('.', '_') for e in list(example)})
example ='example', con=engine, if_exists = 'append', schema='public') example.to_sql(name
Here the only change to the dataframe we’re making is to set all the column names to be lowercase without periods. As with using all lowercase table names, this consistency will make it easier to write SQL without worrying about quotes.
Data Migration & Ad Hoc Parallelism
When writing to the database we want to append to the table if it already exists. This means that if the script is disrupted we run the risk of writing duplicate rows when the script runs again.
If we keep track of what files have been processed, it’s a short jump to enabling parallelism. The approach we’ll take is to…
Identify all files to be imported
Check if a file has already been processed
Check if a file is being worked on by another process
Write to a log which file is going to be processed
Process file
Write to a log that the file has finished being processed
These steps will be in the script parquet_to_psql.py so we can easily run this from the command line.
We’ll use os.listdir
to find all the files in the target directory then filter the files with re
to get those that follow a naming convention sim_######_######.parquet
# Identify files to add
= '/path/to/parquet_files/'
# constrain to the parquets that exist in the path
= [e for e in os.listdir(parquet_path) if re.match('sim_\d+_\d+\.parquet', e)] existing_parquet
We’ll use a simple list saved to a json file to track what files have been processed already and use it to exclude these entries from our queue.
= []
finished_parquet if os.path.exists('./finished_parquet.json'):
with open('./finished_parquet.json', 'r') as f:
= json.load(f)
= [e for e in existing_parquet if e not in finished_parquet] existing_parquet
Now we’ll iterate over some number of the un-processed files but we’ll use the same trick to check if the parquet is being worked on by another instance of this script. The main difference between finished_parquet.json
and reserved_parquet.json
is that the latter we’ll update as soon as we confirm the parquet we’re considering (variable e
) isn’t reserved. After processing we’ll log that the file has been processed.
= 3 # How many files to process per run
num_parquets for e in existing_parquet[0:num_parquets]:
# so that we can run this process in parallel we'll track which files have been reserved
= []
reserved_parquet if os.path.exists('./reserved_parquet.json'):
with open('./reserved_parquet.json', 'r') as f:
= json.load(f)
if e in reserved_parquet:
# log that this entry reserved
reserved_parquet.append(e)with open('./reserved_parquet.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(reserved_parquet, f)
# Process File
# ...
# After completion, log that the file has been processed
finished_parquet.append(e)with open('./finished_parquet.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(finished_parquet, f)print('\n')
One additional quirk is worth noting. There are a ton of records in some of these files – enough to cause the process to stall out. To get around this we’re going to break the dataframe into blocks of 1,000,000 rows and write each separately (There’s certainly a better way to achieve this, but hey, it works.)
With all that done we can run python ./parquet_to_psql.py
and it’ll take care of the migration for us!