Run system commands from your scripts


Daniel Kick


February 14, 2025

Just a quick tip: You can probably run shell commands from your favorite programming language.

Recently I’ve needed to collect data files deep in a file tree. You could imagine using functions like os.listdir() with regex to find what you need. This is more solution than you need. Python and R both allow you to call the linux shell and capture the text that would be returned.

Here I want to find files called vnn.json and dnn.json and with the find command this is a breeze.

import subprocess

json_files = (
  subprocess.check_output('find ../data_* -name [v,d]nn.json', shell=True)
            .split('\n')[0:-1] # slice because it ends in newline

Now we can filter json_files (if need be) and iterate over it to get the files.

We can do the same trick in R, here getting metrics.csv. This trick allows for incredibly terse code to pull in all the data in these files.

pths <- system("find ../data_* -name metrics.csv", intern = T)

all_metrics <-, purrr::map(pths, function(pth){read.csv(pth)}))