Summer Session: Meeting 1

Deep Learning Community of Practice

Deep Learning

Daniel Kick


May 21, 2024


  • What are the key ideas you took from the video?

  • Did you implement code from the video? How did it go?

  • For those who are beginning with python where there sticking points you encounter?

    • “High level” class organization?

    • “Low level” syntax?

    • Both?

    • Would a python office hours next week be useful?

  • How long did you spend on the material?

    • Was this too much for a two week period?

    • Would video + take home challenge be a better pairing?

Key Ideas From Main Session:

  • Functions approximated by combining many non-linear functions.

  • Parameters of the functions nudged to decrease error.

Credit Randall Munroe (“Machine Learning” XKCD)

Key Ideas From Homework

  • A computational graph allows us to track gradients through many operations

  • Given the derivative of each function in a graph we use backpropagation to determine derivative of each parameter with respect to the loss

  • Having the set of derivatives (the gradient) parameters can be nudged to reduce the loss

Looking Forward:

flowchart TD
    B[Text encoding\nand generation]
    C[MLPs and logistics]
    D[Advanced MLPs]
    a(Learning Partners)
    b(Learning Problem)
    c(High Level Model)
    d(Low Level\nModel)
    A --> B --> C --> D --> E --> F --> G
    a --> b --> c --> or
    or--> d
    or--> e
    or--> f
    A --- a
    D ~~~ d

The core mechanisms of deep learning apply across types of data and tasks.

  • Tasks (outputs)

  • Data types and shapes (inputs)

Core Tasks

  • Classification - Predict a discrete value (label)

  • Regression - Predict a continuous value

  • Density - How similar are different populations of observations?

Data Types

Reminder: Categories of data

Categories Ranked Evenly Spaced Natural 0
Nominal X
Ordinal X X
Interval X X X
Ratio X X X X
  • Think about generalized linear models to get a non-linear response we pass a linear model into a link function. (How is this similar to a neuron?)

  • To flexibly use or predict different data types we change

    • How data is encoded (e.g. \(Adenine \rightarrow [1, 0, 0, 0]\) )

    • The number of values output

    • How loss is calculated

Data Shapes

Dimensions of data

Tensor Rank Name Example Example Dims.*
0 Scalar Height
1 Vector Height for several obs. n
2 Matrix Sequence on off n, c
3 Cube Picture (bw) n, h, w
Sequence of nucleotides n, l, c
4 ? Picture (rgb) n, c, h, w, l
5 ? Video (rgb) n, c, h, w, l

*order changes based on conventions

For Next Meeting

  • If you are have not found a learning partner please reach out to at least one person who

    • Doesn’t have a partner yet and

    • has a different programming comfort (the median is 3)

  • Think about if there is a small dataset that you would enjoy working with

    • RT-qPCR experiment?

    • Images with a plant diseased/non?

    • Sequences of nucleotides for genes in two families?

  • Please watch at least the first 1h4m (strongly recommend the full 1h57) of Andrej Karpathy’s lecture here and follow along in your Jupyter Notebook.