flowchart TD A[backpropagation] B[Text encoding\nand generation] C[MLPs and logistics] D[Advanced MLPs] E[Advanced\nbackpropagation] F[Convolutional\nnetworks] G[Transformers] a(Learning Partners) b(Learning Problem) c(High Level Model) or{or} d(Low Level\nModel) e(Advanced\nModel) f(Advanced\nInterpretation) A --> B --> C --> D --> E --> F --> G a --> b --> c --> or or--> d or--> e or--> f A --- a D ~~~ d
Summer Session: Meeting 1
Deep Learning Community of Practice
What are the key ideas you took from the video?
Did you implement code from the video? How did it go?
For those who are beginning with
where there sticking points you encounter?“High level” class organization?
“Low level” syntax?
Would a python office hours next week be useful?
How long did you spend on the material?
Was this too much for a two week period?
Would video + take home challenge be a better pairing?
Key Ideas From Main Session:
Functions approximated by combining many non-linear functions.
Parameters of the functions nudged to decrease error.
Key Ideas From Homework
A computational graph allows us to track gradients through many operations
Given the derivative of each function in a graph we use backpropagation to determine derivative of each parameter with respect to the loss
Having the set of derivatives (the gradient) parameters can be nudged to reduce the loss
Looking Forward:
The core mechanisms of deep learning apply across types of data and tasks.
Tasks (outputs)
Data types and shapes (inputs)
Core Tasks
Classification - Predict a discrete value (label)
Regression - Predict a continuous value
Density - How similar are different populations of observations?
Data Types
Reminder: Categories of data
Categories | Ranked | Evenly Spaced | Natural 0 | |
Nominal | X | |||
Ordinal | X | X | ||
Interval | X | X | X | |
Ratio | X | X | X | X |
Think about generalized linear models to get a non-linear response we pass a linear model into a link function. (How is this similar to a neuron?)
To flexibly use or predict different data types we change
How data is encoded (e.g. \(Adenine \rightarrow [1, 0, 0, 0]\) )
The number of values output
How loss is calculated
Data Shapes
Dimensions of data
Tensor Rank | Name | Example | Example Dims.* |
0 | Scalar | Height | |
1 | Vector | Height for several obs. | n |
2 | Matrix | Sequence on off | n, c |
3 | Cube | Picture (bw) | n, h, w |
Sequence of nucleotides | n, l, c |
4 | ? | Picture (rgb) | n, c, h, w, l |
5 | ? | Video (rgb) | n, c, h, w, l |
*order changes based on conventions
For Next Meeting
If you are have not found a learning partner please reach out to at least one person who
Doesn’t have a partner yet and
has a different programming comfort (the median is 3)
Think about if there is a small dataset that you would enjoy working with
RT-qPCR experiment?
Images with a plant diseased/non?
Sequences of nucleotides for genes in two families?
Please watch at least the first 1h4m (strongly recommend the full 1h57) of Andrej Karpathy’s lecture here and follow along in your Jupyter Notebook.